Once again this slide is drawn from discussions with many Cover Supervisors who have talked to us about the difficulties they sometimes face in their role. I think we all assume that the needs of a Cover Supervisor will be met, certainly in the context of the list above.
For those with responsibility for managing Cover Supervisors it is useful to look at this list and ask the question. Are we serving all our Cover Supervisors well by adhering to the points in this list. For the Cover Supervisor it is worth focusing on this list and firstly highlighting which points you can say that your needs are met and then focusing on where they are not and perhaps putting together a short discussion paper to take to your line manager with some ideas about how change could be implemented to make your job easier and make you more informed.
In the resources section there is a document about best practice for cover supervisors which does highlight a lot of the points mentioned here and in the previous slide.
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