Leadership & Quality
Leadership & Quality CPD Courses For Teachers
Courses to Build capacity and strengthen the skills of leadership that will empower others to change, challenge the status quo and build a culture of excellence and improvement for all.
Quality Assurance Ofsted Lesson Observation Appraisal Pupil Premium
Safeguarding Senior Leadership Middle Leadership Subject Leadership
Primary Curriculum Secondary Curriculum The Role of the Senco Pastoral Leadership
Coaching for Middle Leaders in Schools (Digital download)
£495.00 Learn MoreMiddle leaders have a pivotal role in interpreting the vision for whole organisational improvement, curriculum quality and highly successful learning.
Coaching for Subject Leaders in Education (Digital download)
£395.00 Learn MoreThe subject leader or head of department has a vital role in ensuring the curriculum intent is translated into powerful pedagogy and inspirational opportunities for learning within their subject and beyond. This course complements the certification programme and support subject leaders across all learning to develop a range of coaching skills to support their role with others.
Re-thinking Appraisal in Education (Digital download)
£395.00 Learn MoreCreating a culture of professional learning and collaboration through teacher performance appraisals can be achieved where individuals are part of the process of developing their own potential. Learning how to use a range of coaching and feedback techniques can change the whole process of appraisal and make it into a positive and welcome way to ensure ongoing professional learning is integral to the whole school vision for excellence.
Managing the Pupil Premium to Close the Achievement Gap (With Nigel Bishop online)
£395.00 Learn MoreWe bring together best practice, a wealth of expertise and the latest advice and guidance on managing Pupil Premium. Nigel Bishop is a leading authority on the best ways to manage the Pupil Premium to ensure that its use has an impact on pupils who are eligilbe. He is knowledgeable and has a great deal of first hand experience that means he is a sought after presenter who will leave you feeling that you have learnt a very great deal.
Creating a High Quality Primary Curriculum from Early Years to Year 6 (Online)
£295.00 Learn MoreSequencing the primary curriculum is an essential element of positive curriculum design that will ensure all phase or subject leaders and their teams across the primary school understand and can implement the school’s vision